Homenaje a Federico García Lorca

In 1936, the poet Federico García Lorca was executed by a Fascist firing squad. Homenaje a Federico García Lorca premiered in Madrid in 1937 during a Fascist bombing of the city.

Homenaje a Federico García Lorca Music

Begins with an A section, which is rhythmic and highly syncopated, in shifting meter; 7-note melodic turns in piano and violins, with glissandos in violins. Then a B section with a piano and string ostinato introduces chromatic solo trumpet melody, accompanied by trombone. He then returns to an A section., which rhythmic punctuations, as in introduction. In the C section, Mexican dance theme (son,) in alternating meter; muted trumpets playing in parallel thirds. Trumpets answered by violins and woodwinds. This is a development of rhythmic figure in low brass (tuba), answered by woodwinds, then trumpets, but there is a brief return of A and a return of Mexican tune (C ), in full orchestra. Rhythmic figure from C developed.